【Yoga Meets Electronic Music vol.2】
③ヨガ講師とDJをしている経験から、ヨガの練習とエレクトロニックミュージック はとても相性がいいと感じています。それはヨガのアーサナ (ポーズ)の練習に集中しているときと、DJがプレイするときやダンスフロアで音に集中して踊っているときの、「心の静けさ」がとても似ているからだと思います。この動画を見て、ヨガをやっている人がエレクトロニックミュージックに興味を持ってくれたり、反対に、もともとエレクトロニックミュージックが好きな人がヨガに興味を持ってくれたりと、この動画がヨガシーンとエレクトロニックミュージックシーンの架け橋の一つになってくれたら嬉しく思います。
【un. YouTube 公式チャンネル】
•Artist: natural/electronic.system
•Tiitle: Campfire Stories 29 (Storm Approaching)
【Yoga Meets Electronic Music】 is archive video when we stream MICHi’s yoga self-practice at home atelier from Instagram live.
【Purpose of live streaming】
①One of the reasons was that I wanted to create an environment where I could concentrate and yoga practice.I thought that by live streaming all of my self-practice live, I might be able to focus more on practice than if I did it alone.
②There are plenty of opportunities for yoga teachers to watch students practice, but I felt there wasn’t much opportunity for students to see yoga teacher’s daily yoga practice, so it might be inspiring for practice, so I’ll share it. One of the reasons I decided to try it.
③ I feel yoga practice and electronic music to go very well together from my experience of DJ and yoga teacher.I think this is because the “quietness of mind” is very similar when you concentrate on yoga asana practice and when you concentrate on DJs play and the sound on the dance floor. I hope that this video will be one of the bridges between the yoga scene and the electronic music scene through listening to this music, people who are doing yoga are interested in electronicmusic ,on the other hand,people who originally like electronic music are interested in yoga.
【un. YouTube official channel】